Friday, September 18, 2015

Dear Harper Supporters, You're Okay

Dear Supporters of Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada (aka the Harper Government),

     You're okay. You can chill. It's darn cute and you can now relax.
     The rest of us get it. Those of us who may not support his party this time around but may have yet to decide who we will vote for in this election get it.
     You like him. You like him a lot. You're going to vote for his party. You were going to vote for his party before the election was called and before his party had a platform and before anyone else had one either. You were really convicted about that. (Maybe because you vote for his party because "Everyone else is bad," or maybe because you like people who say "economy" and "terrorism" like they're their own answers to questions they ask themselves, or maybe--juuuuuuust maybe--you've actually looked into his party's policies, which I know sounds crazy in an election in a democracy, and somehow you still believe that what he says--the very few things that are actually clear and are actually true at the same time--and feel you can retain your soul.)
     So you can rest easy. It's been proven time and again that his support base supports him, period. They do it. They don't bother themselves with questions of facts, and they don't worry their heads with other choices. "I vote Conservative, I cheer for the Patriots, I don't like mango." Life is pretty good and pretty easy.
     You don't need to bother yourself with a leader who says he balances budgets but creates deficits and then says he's good for the economy. You don't have to concern yourself with a leader who says every Muslim is a potential terrorist and has to be screened. You don't have to concern yourself with a leader who says he's going to limit the Senate's power, then learns to like it, then stacks it with his favourites, then somehow doesn't know that a few of them are corrupt in the administration he micromanages. You don't need to be concerned about a leader who is and always has been (see his party's 2014 mission statement) anti-gay. You don't need to worry a bit about a leader who muzzles people whose job it is to research progress and save us from ourselves. You don't have to ask what this Bill C-51 thing is all about because it sounds like it's just there for criminals and we're too soft on criminals, so bring on the police state. No concerns at all. What a treat!
     You've got it good. The rest of us, those of us who are undecided during an election, who read the news and watch the debates with an open mind, who try to peel through the veil of rhetoric and see the policies we really could stand behind when we mark our X have it pretty rough. I mean, we have to do research and stuff. We have to consider things. We have to actually wonder when someone says something is so, and it just isn't, why this man is the prime minister of our country.
     Ignorance truly is bliss. The ability to believe someone when he tells you black is white, up is down, out is in, must be extremely freeing. I'd love to join you. I really am enough of a swing voter that--if they jettisoned the man in charge, sorry, I'm weak that way--the Conservative Party could hypothetically get my vote if they had policies I supported. It's very stressful this electing a government stuff. I'd much rather be the guy who goes into a restaurant and orders a cheese pizza because he always orders a cheese pizza and he's never even looked at the other menu items because the waiter told me a cheese pizza is good for me and why would the waiter lie so a cheese pizza it is, and you're all freaks and losers for how long you're looking at the menu when clearly you should just have the cheese pizza. I mean, why think?
     I envy you. I really do. I still don't know who I'm voting for. I hate having to consider all of these important things like issues. It's a lot of work and I'm busy.
     So, chill. You can stop posting articles about him, you can stop telling us how good he is. It's a three-way race and you're going to support him to prop up his third no matter what. Relax in that. Enjoy it. Indulge in the joy of being able to do something as critical as mount the government of a nation and you need not put in any more consideration than you would for a Timmy's order. You have it pretty darn good.
     Our prime minister has built his empire on the ignorance of his supporters. You can say rah, rah you've voted and you don't have to do a damn thing but show up at the polls. Bully for you. The prime minister whose only legacy will be the establishment of an over-partisan nation and staying in power for a really long time by doing pretty much nothing is what you have to show for it.
     So, live it, love it. Stop trying to appear to work so hard. Don't bother, don't think. It doesn't suit.


Contemplative Voters of Canada

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