Apparently my man card is at risk for seeing this movie. See my last post for what I think of man-judgement. Anyway, thoughts on this flick that's become a phenomenon:
1. It will not make you gay. Unless you already are, or already are and don't know it. If so, I think you'll like it.
2. I thought there would be more for the fellas. I mean, animated movies often have these bits for the adults, wouldn't it make sense to throw in some, dunno, plot or something for the dudes to enjoy, if they are dragged to it (or, like me, secure enough to agree to go)?
3. It really is just a stripper/dance movie with a very loose/lame plot connecting it all together. Like a modern, post-50 Shades Saturday Night Fever.
4. It's really hard to believe Steven Soderbergh directed this. That must've been a really big truck full of money.
5. You think the movie's about 2/3 done when it ends. Just kinda stops. Maybe Soderbergh sobered up and realized what he was doing.
6. Channing Tatum is the only decent actor in it and has all the best lines. Make of that what you will.
7. I'm pretty sure most of the dialogue was made up on the fly, it's that bad. Well, not bad so much as awkward. It's like watching two hours of a really nervous person trying to give a speech.
8. Channing Tatum is a hellevua dancer. (Yes, I'm aware he used to be a stripper. Is there anyone who doesn't know that?)
9. In one summer Tatum plays the object of female fantasies and Duke from G.I. Joe. There's only so much envy in the universe us 30-somethings can have for you. (And screw you for the bit where you made fun of MY name. You're names Channing, chrissakes!)
10. Cody Horn has a jaw that looks like it could bite through steel. When she kisses Tatum I'm surprised sparks don't literally fly like two edge-grinders colliding. Makes up for the fact that she is probably the worst actor in this who doesn't have matching initials.
11. Speaking of, I believe Matthew McConaughey has no regrets about playing himself for his entire career. I thought, for like six seconds of Amistad, that he wasn't REALLY his character in Dazed and Confused permanently. In Mike, he was paid millions to be himself. Why act?
12. The last time I was at a movie where people were shouting cat-calls and hootting and hollering at the screen was in 1997 when Star Wars was re-released. I think the ladies at Mike have fewer issues.
13. People were offended by this? I mean, it's not an especially good film, but it has fit dudes dancing with minimal clothing. It's a bass drone above a gladiator movie. Any ten minutes of The Road (book or film) disturbed me more than this whole thing.
14. There were three men in the theatre, including me. We traded knowing nods. We were resigned and having fun. The whole thing was a little bit festive.
15. My wife didn't like it any more than I did. Like me, she expected it to have some more to it to be such a phenomenon, and she's hardly a panter when all those 16-packs start gyrating.
Nothing more than what it says it is, a Showgirls for the ladies. (Incidentally, I never did see all of Showgirls, and no, I didn't shut it off for the reason you're thinking. I shut it off because it was making me stupider).